OUR INTENT for the music curriculum at St Joseph's is that:
every child is a composer and a performer, with a secure knowledge of historical periods, genres, styles and traditions, including the works of the great composers and musicians.
Singing is at the heart of our culture as a school. We place a strong emphasis on singing in our masses, assemblies, liturgies and celebrations. Every child has singing assembly every week. Early Years/ Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 have specially adapted singing assemblies according to which year they are in. St. Joseph’s has a proud reputation of its choir, who rehearse weekly and perform at special events and retirement homes during the festive season.

There are performance opportunities throughout the year via concerts, assemblies, church services and their own music lessons.
If a child shows potential during their music lessons or expresses an interest in learning an instrument outside of class music, then they are actively encouraged to do so. Every child has the opportunity, we endeavour to supply lessons and instruments, no matter what their circumstances. At present we offer a wide variety of peripatetic lessons, to give as much choice as we possibly can.

All children enjoy a fun and varied music education in every year group. Their lessons ensure a skills progression throughout, where children listen and learn challenging pieces of music. From Early Years (in following with EYFS) children have opportunities to move to and talk about music, expressing their feelings and responses. They have opportunities to explore and engage in music making and dance, performing solo or in groups. We are inclusive and ensure that all achieve their best in music. The music specialist has created the school's own Scheme of Work, which covers all aspects of the EYFS and National Curriculum. It is sequential and has clearly defined pre- skills/ knowledge and end points, making sure that knowledge and skills are embedded in children’s long-term memory. Repetition and modelling are key elements to lessons. Musical vocabulary is reinforced in every lesson to enable children to build up the appropriate responses in discussion work and their practical activities. The Scheme of Work links learning to other curriculum subjects if appropriate to further enhance learning.
Please see HERE for the Curriculum Overview.

Music Videos
Children from Year 3 put on a wonderful display for their families. Along with Kiri Macdonald-Jones from Hampshire Music, the children played the African Drums and sang songs. All this was very enjoyable and entertaining.
Updated September 2024