Pastoral Support
Within our school we offer a range of pastoral support to ensure the physical and emotional welfare of all our pupils.
We pride ourselves on providing a successful pastoral support programme which enables our children to feel safe, happy, involved in the school community and able to perform to their full potential. We believe that happy pupils will integrate well with others and any problems will be spotted ready to be dealt with.
For all children within our school, we provide support from all areas: teachers, LSAs, office staff, dinner staff, cleaners and caretakers. However, for some children additional, more specific pastoral support is needed.
Click here for our Mental Health and Well-being Policy.
Help from home
As a parent you know your child best and are in the best position to support them. Therefore, before speaking to your child's class teacher about support available in school, we ask all parents to access the resources and advice available on our website. We hope that the resources and advice will provide tools to help you teach your child strategies to manage these challenges.
For additional support please vsit: NSPCC
Deputy Headteacher & DSL (Safeguarding and Pastoral Lead): Mrs M Geen
Mental Health Lead: Mrs L Williams
We know that everyone experiences life challenges that can make us vulnerable and at times, anyone may need additional emotional support.
At St Joseph’s, we are committed to supporting the emotional health and wellbeing of our pupils and staff and we will work together to enable pupils to make healthy informed choices.
Should you need further support please contact your child’s class teacher or email Mrs L Williams
Useful Websites
Below are some useful links to help support you and your family’s wellbeing.
Specialist Support
Specialist agencies, such as CAMHS, offer speciliast support and advice for parents.
Support Groups Available in Hampshire

Support Available in our School
Within our school we have a trained ELSA and TALA who can provide support for children in our school.
Although these roles are similar they do offer different support.
The video below explains both roles.
No Limits
Offer free information, advice and help to children & young people under the age of 26 in Hampshire, the Isle of Wight, Portsmouth and Southampton
Updated October 2024