Children's Mental Health Week 2025
Resilience Presentation
Thank you to all the parents who attended the Resilience Presentation delivered. Attached is a copy of the presentation.
In addition, please find attached flyers advertising free and online parent training from ‘Surrey Adult Learning (SAL)’. The ‘Family Learning Flyer’ has a QR code which lists courses, ones of interest to us are under ‘parenting courses’ and include e.g.: Building your Child's Resilience Workshop
Some of the courses have multiple sessions and operate a waiting list, but many still have spaces and may only be one session
Useful Resources...
Self Kindness Tips
Tips for Families
Developing Emotional Literacy
We all enjoyed Zumba sessions, along with a wide range of classroom activities (see picture of examples of children's work).
During the week we managed to raise money for Place2be and Young Minds, to help them carry on the vital work they do supporting young people.
It was a wonderful week focusing on raising awareness of the importance of good mental and physical health.