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Jubilee Year - Pilgrims of Hope


pope francis holy door

Opening Holy Doors

The opening of the Holy Doors is a significant rite that marks the beginning of a Jubilee year. These doors are normally sealed and only ceremoniously opened during designated Jubilee years by the Pope. Pilgrims who enter through these doors can gain plenary indulgences associated with the Jubilee celebrations. The Holy Door of St. Peter's Basilica is particularly well known for this tradition. Five doors in Rome were opened including one at a prison.

Pope Francis has declared that 2025 will be a year of Jubilee, something which happens every 25 years.


The theme for Jubilee Year 2025 is “Pilgrims of Hope”,  a year of hope for a world suffering the impacts of war, the ongoing effects of COVID-19 pandemic, and a climate crisis.

Preparations for the 2025 Year of Jubilee will begin in Advent 2023, which will mark the start of a year of prayer.


Click here for the Bishop's Letter to the Diocese.

This is a very special year in the Catholic church and only happens every 25 years. Please join us, as we in St. Joseph’s reflect on the Pope’s message of bringing hope to others while we try to strengthen our own faith. Perhaps say the prayer below once a month during the Jubilee year?



Please click HERE for further information from the Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth.


The Logo The logo shows four figures, representing all of humanity, coming from the four corners of the earth. They embrace each other to show the solidarity which should unite all peoples.

The figure at the front is holding onto the cross. It is not only the sign of the faith, but also of hope, which can never be abandoned, because we are always in need of hope, especially in our moments of greatest need.

There are the rough waves under the figures, symbolising the fact that life’s pilgrimage does not always go smoothly in calm waters. That’s why we should pay special attention to the lower part of the cross which has been elongated and turned into the shape of an anchor which is let down into the waves.

The anchor is well known as a symbol of hope. It is worth noting that the logo illustrates the pilgrim’s journey not as an individual undertaking, but rather as something communal, leading one ever closer to the cross.

The cross in the logo is by no means static. It bends down towards humanity, not leaving human beings alone, but stretching out to them to offer the certainty of its presence and the security of hope.


Even though confessed and forgiven sins will not send a person to hell, consequences remain to be paid on earth or in purgatory. So for example, you have said sorry but still feel jealous or angry. An indulgence frees the recipient from those consequences. An indulgence always springs from sincere repentance, the desire to live a holy life, reception of the sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion as soon as possible and prayer for the Pope. A partial indulgence covers part of the punishment due for sins; a plenary indulgence removes all of it. The indulgence can be applied to either the individual seeking it, or to those who have died. This is another of our Catholic ‘norms.’ 

What is happening at St. Joseph’s? Lots! Some events include..


1. Staff reflection on the Jubilee Journey, 6 th January.

2. Whole school Celebration of the Word. Assembly 9th January.

3. RE newsletter- special edition newsletter in January linked with Jubilee.

4. Visit of Blessed Carlo Acutis relic – to inspire us to become closer to God.

5. Friday 24 Jan 2025: Jubilee Launch Day for Schools. Special launch assembly led by RE champions- Headteacher’s Awards linked to Jubilee e.g. looking out for others, Catholic Social Teaching, justice, love and hope for a better world.

6. Children exposed to special official hymn for Jubilee.

7. Jubilee Journey Wall display (school office) to include dates and prayer table to reflect Jubilee theme for the whole year.

8. 10 th March Inset day- Special RE Training by our RE Advisor, Mr. Jamie Carroll explaining the Jubilee- why is it important for our faith.



9. 15th March- Flame Jubilee- w/c 10th March- Whole school to create a ‘flame’ with their own prayer for the Jubilee on it.

10. Each phase to have a Jubilee Celebration of the Word (invite parents)- Summer 2.

11. Pledge Day (June/July)- each phase to renew our mission statement and create their own Pledge to be shared with our school family.