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Religious Education


Religion Curriculum Topic Grid

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2




Catholic Social Teaching

Catholic Social Teaching






Year 5 visit to the Buddhist Monastery



Holy Week


Pentecost and Mission

Pentecost and Mission



Topic Information for Spring Topics of the RE Curriculum

Our RE Champions Visit to St. Michael's Abbey, Farnborough

The RE champions had their last trip on the St. Joseph's school minibus and it was a trip to see the National Shrine of St.Joseph in St. Michael's Abbey, Farnborough.

The children met Brother Huw who told them a bit about monastic life - including getting up at 4am for prayers! He went on to tell the children about Catholic traditions to do with the construction of churches.  The children laid a candle for their own intention at the Shrine and were given a St. Joseph medal with a relic on it to keep so that they can use it to pray to St. Joseph to ask for his intercession. Once again the children were amazing, so serene and respectful. Well done champs for representing the school so well.

Year 4 learn about Judaism

In Year 4 we were lucky to have a talk by Rabbi Zvi on the Judaism. The children learned how our faith has its roots in the Jewish faith and how our Bible has some of the same important books that they read in their faith. Rabbi Zvi brought in many interesting objects from the Jewish faith including a toy Torah and Kippahs. Rabbi Zvi also spoke about how different our faiths are. As Rabbi Zvi was leaving, he said he was impressed by the children's knowledge and how much they wanted to learn about the Jewish faith.

Staff Reflection

Sister Cooey and Sister Lucy, Dominican Sisters, from An Apostolate of the Dominican Sisters of St Joseph. As Dominican Sisters, visited us again.  This time they addressed the staff about God's existance in our own lives.  They shared their own stories and how God is present in their lives and engaged in thought provoking talks to enable us to examine the presence of God in our own lives.  The staff appreciated their visit and the time given to reflect.

Learning about Islam

One of our Year 6 pupils happily spoke about his own faith, Islam, to his peers.  He created a PowerPoint Presentation in his own time and led a talk about this in the hall.  He was very informative and spoke to the children about his faith and beliefs.  The children were given the opportunity to ask questions at the end and they did indeed ask thought provoking questions.  The children enjoyed learning about about the Five Pillars of Islam and learning about his experience of Ramadan.  

Thank you to Musawwir for sharing his faith with us.

Year 5 Visit to The Buddhist Community Centre

On Monday 6th March, the children in Year 5 visited the local Buddhist Community Centre.  They were met by one of the Buddhist Monks who lives there.  He told the story of Buddha and how this influences the lives of Buddhists.  He shared with them the Five Precepts of Buddhist Morality and led the children in a meditation.  The children were given the opportunity to ask questions and develop their understanding further.  They then got to explore the Temple and the many artefacts within it.  This was an enjoyable event and a first for many of the children and the adults that accompanied them. 

Learning about prayer in other faiths

The children in Year 1 were lucky to have been visited by Mrs Canning, a person of Hindu faith.  She spoke with the children about how she prays and brought in beautiful prayer artefacts.  She showed them written prayer and played music that would accompany prayer.  The children enjoyed the visit very much.

Learning about Living a Vocational Life

Children in Years 3 - 6 were lucky to have a visit from Sister Cooey and Sister Lucy, Dominican Sisters, from An Apostolate of the Dominican Sisters of St Joseph. As Dominican Sisters, their mission is to proclaim the Gospel by our lives and words. They live in the New Forest, and live a community life of prayer and praise, of study and preaching, according to their Dominican tradition. They shared with us their reasons for becoming nuns and shared with us how they live out their daily lives.  They answered questions asked by the children and were impressed by the thinking of the children in asking their questions. They were very happy with the welcome given by all in our school and and even took time to visit and pray in the Well.  

Early Years Children Learning Through The Travelling Nativity

The Early Years children were very excited to have the travelling nativity arrive. They helped set the figures in place and talked about who each one was. After some time to look at crib, we gathered and held a worship. The lights were off except for one shining out from within the nativity scene. It was a beautiful time of quiet and reflection, listening to the story of the first Christmas together.

Updated July 2024

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