Parish Priest
We are pleased to have Fr. Rob as our Parish Priest in St. Joseph's Primary School.
He comes to school and leads us in various liturges, masses and the children enjoy the various conversations he has had with them. Fr. Rob guides both staff and children in our spiritual development and we are thankful for him.
RE Champions
Our 12 RE Champions did an amazing job sharing the readings and bidding prayers for today's Mass. We know that God will work through them as they share His word with the school.
Prayer and Liturgy
Liturgy, Liturgical Prayer, and Prayer form a continuum with a celebration of Mass on a Solemnity of the Church (e.g., Ascension of the Lord) at one end and silent meditation at the other. Of course, there are areas of overlap between the categories. The word ‘Worship’ is not used to denote a distinct category in the Prayer and Liturgy Directory. In Catholic terminology ‘worship’ is not generally used to name and describe a distinct type of prayer or event. Worship is about living our lives in a way that recognises that everything we have is a gift from God and that everything we do should give glory to God. That, of course, does include prayer but the scope is broader. With that understanding of worship it will be seen that the purpose of education in a Catholic school is to know and love Christ and to open the vision and imagination of pupils to the wonder of living in God’s world, and the responsibilities that follow from this.
Prayer and Liturgy Directory 2022
Celebration of The Eucharist
The celebration of the Mass is at the heart of Catholic life and worship. By this sacramental act we fulfil the command of the Lord Jesus to celebrate the Eucharist in memory of Him. The mystery of His saving death and resurrection is made present for us as the living Lord speaks through the Scriptures and gives Himself in the bread that becomes His Body and the wine that becomes His Blood. The purpose of every school Mass is to unite all present more closely to Christ, to deepen their love for him and for others. All children participate in the celebration of the Eucharist at school and at St Joseph’s Church. It is fundamental to the spiritual life of the school.
Bishop's Mass
To pray is to communicate with God or the Saints, our faith, our love and our wants. So we can say that prayer is communication. As children progress up the school we encourage the children to prepare and organise their own class prayers and liturgies (under the direction or with the support of the class teacher if required).
Lay Liturgical Ministry- Children
The principles of active and conscious participation in the liturgy are important for Masses celebrated with children. Everyone at St. Joseph’s is invited to participate spiritually and prayerfully. Silence also has an important place and a value in enabling participation.
Children take part in a series of progressive training to take up different specific roles, as appropriate, during the celebration – for example, serving, singing and music, reading, praying, and bringing up the gifts of bread and wine. Our older children play a vital role in training up the younger children to take on such ministries.
Liturgical Prayer
Liturgical prayer at St Joseph’s follows the pattern or a variation of the pattern
Gathering- how we come together, the setting, the environment (quiet/ reflective,music, lighted candles, statues, sign of the cross, focus and examination of conscience etc);
Word - a reading from the Scriptures (or another suitable source), breaking the word, time to reflect on this and prayers to fit into the theme;
Action - a ritual movement that everyone can join in with that fits with the theme (gestures such as shaking hands, holding hands, lighting a candle, prayers, responses to prayers, etc);
Mission/Going forth - the sending out from the celebration, giving the children something to hold onto from the experience of the liturgy that they can take into their daily lives.
To Help you Pray
Prayer is communication.
It can be spoken or silent. It can be a song or a story. It can be a picture or a dance.
Prayer can be done as often as you like.
Every week. Every day. Every hour.
Prayer can be done however you want.
There’s no right or wrong way to pray.
Prayer can be shared, but doesn’t have to be.
It can be done alone or with a favourite toy. It can be done with friends, family or pets.
Prayer can be done anywhere.
It can be done in your room or at the kitchen table. It can be done out in the playground, at the park or even at the zoo.
Prayer can be done in any mood.
You can be happy, sad, angry, scared or confused when you pray.
Prayer can be for yourself or someone else.
If you know someone who could use a little help — add them to your prayers.
Prayer doesn’t need a certain structure, length or specific words.
Whatever words you use, long or short, however your prayer comes out is fine.
Prayer doesn’t need a special occasion.
There are certain prayers appropriate to special occasions but you don’t need to wait for a special time to pray.
Prayer doesn’t have to be a request.
It can also be used to give thanks for what you have already received. “Thank you,” is a perfect prayer.
If you would like a copy of our school Prayer Book please click on the link below:
Fr. Rob talking about prayer
Prayer is at the core of our Faith and to that end we have created some videos to help us encourage our school family to make this connection with God on a regular basis. Fr. Rob shares with us what prayer is. Our Headteacher, Mrs McNeill tells us why prayer is important for the children of St. Joseph's and Mrs. Biggs tells us how we can encourage our children to say prayers at home.
Celebration of Year 3 First Holy Communion
We gathered to celebrate those in our St. Joseph's family who made their First Holy Communion. They all came dressed in their special outfits and they looked amazing! The children sang beautifully and prayed reverently as we reflected on how they have strengthened their relationship with God. Well done to those who made their Holy Communion and to those who helped them to prepare for their big day. As a memento the children made a prayer station to bring home and a blessed ( thank you Fr. Rob) St. Joseph's key ring.
End of Year Mass - Year 6 Leavers Mass
It was a laughter through the rain type of Mass for Year 6. We gathered to celebrate their time with us and wish them luck on their onward journey. It was a beautiful Mass with Fr Rob sending a clear message of set the world on fire by spreading God's love. Once again the RE champions did an amazing job and will be sorely missed. Thank you to everyone who helped make the Mass a memorable one.
Ash Wednesday
During half term we begin the liturgical season of Lent, with Ash Wednesday. On Wednesday of this week, Fr Rob came to school to show us how the ashes for Ash Wednesday are made. We burned the palm crosses from last year and Fr Rob blessed them. Year 3 children thought about what they might do for Lent. They were fabulously behaved showing respect and reverence. During Lent, as Catholics, we renew our commitment to living the holy life that Jesus asks of us.
Christmas Carol Service
This year we came together to share in our Christmas Carol Service as a Parish Family, with children, staff, parents and parishioners. This was held in school due to the Parish Curch being closed.
Thank you to our choir and all involved in enabling us to come together and share in our Catholic traditions.
Remembrance Service
As a school family, we gathered together to remember the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice in serving our country in wars, conflicts and peacekeeping missions, as well as their families. Our RE Champions and staff led the prayers and the children created poppies as a symbol or remembrance. These poppies, along with poems written by the children are available to see in our reception area.
Year 3 Holy Communion Celebration
The children in Year 3 came together to celebrate the making of their First Holy Communion. They participated in a worship together with their families. It was a beautiful celebration and the children looked wonderful. As a family, we were grateful to bring the children and their families to celebrate this special occassion.
Annual School Mass at Portsmouth Cathedral
On Thursday 15th June a group of the RE Champions went to Portsmouth Cathedral to join in the Annual School Mass celebrated by Bishop Philip. The mass was beautiful and led by children from different schools across the diocese. The Bishop spoke to the children about the Cathedral and about how they contribute to the life and growth of the Church. It was lovely to see the schools gathered together and the different banners displayed. After Mass we went to the park across from the Cathedral to have lunch with the other schools. The whole day was a wonderful experience for all who attended.
"Meeting the Bishop was an experience of a lifetime," was how one of our children responded to this.
Corpus Christi Procession
Children in Year 3 took part in a procession for the Feast of Corpus Christi, also known as the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. This procession was led by Father Anthony and Father Paul and was around the school's neighbouring streets in order to share this Catholic tradition with our neighbours. The children enjoyed this experience.
Marian Procession
During the month of May, we remember Our Lady and the special sacrifice that she made for us. To commemorate and celebrate this, our Year 3 children went on a Marian Procession so that our local residents would remember why this month is very important to Our Lady, as we remember her and the gift of the Rosary. The children enjoyed this procession as one of our rich Catholic traditions as they offered up their intentions by saying a decade of the Rosary.
Lenten Liturgies
The children in there different Phase Groups have gathered together to worship. These liturgies are special because they are an opportunity for the children and staff to welcome our family to participate in our collective worship. Each worship began with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Thank you to Father Anthony for leading us in our worship. The children sang hymns, shared prayers and enabled all in the room to reflect on this period of Lent and what it means for our lives. Thank you to all who could join us and for supporting our two charities - CAFOD and The Kite Family Hub Team.
Thank you message below
'I would like to say a huge THANK YOU from the Kite Family Hub Team, part of The Kite Academy Trust, for the Easter Eggs you very kindly donated to us.
As a team of family support workers, we work with many vulnerable families who across our 10 schools and these eggs will provide a much needed ray of sunshine into these families lives.
Best wishes
Ash Wednesday
Today Fr Anthony used the palms he burnt yesterday to make ashes for Ash Wednesday. Everyone received the ashes including little ones in nursery and preschool. Fr Anthony talked about how this is a reminder to evangelise our faith and that we should be concentrating on three things - prayer, fasting and alms giving. Fr Anthony also discussed why the shape of the cross is used on people’s foreheads.
We are officially ready for Lent!The Burning of Old Palm Crosses
Fr Anthony came to school today to burn last year’s palm crosses in preparation for Ash Wednesday.
He kindly blessed them again before burning them. Year 3 enjoyed the sights and smells and now know more about another of our Catholic norms. Well done Year 3 for being so well behaved and thank you to Father for showing the children where our ashes (that we wear to evangelise our faith) come from.Christmas Celebration
On our final day, before Christmas, we gathered together as a school family to hear the Christmas Story. This was done using scripture, prayers and liturgical dance performed by dance club. Perhaps a moment of reflection was when our older children shephered our youngest children to the crib and sharing this story with them.
Liturgical Dance
Year 5 and 6 Mass at the Parish Church
On Thursday the 29th November, the Year 5 and 6 children walked to our Parish Church to celebrate Mass. Mass was said in Latin, with Fr. Anthony repeating it in English. The children and staff and parents that accompanied them to St. Joseph's, Aldershot, enjoyed the opportunity to celebrate Mass in this way. The RE Champions read the readings and said the bidding prayers with others taking the offertory and being altar servers. Attending Mass, gave everyone the time to reflect on this period of Advent and what it means in our lives today, helping us to get ready for the Coming of Jesus.
Advent Liturgies
Parents were invited to come and adore Jesus through exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Fr Anthony led the adoration and benediction and parents as well as children enjoyed the time to be calm and appreciate Advent for what it really stands for. Parents comments were –‘I wish we could stay longer it was soo peaceful and reflective.’
Parents had the opportunity to take away cards that the children had made. Some of them read:
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. John 14:27
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God” Matthew 5:9.
Peace begins with a smile. Mother Teresa
‘If you want to bring peace to the whole world, go home and love your family.” Mother Teresa
Early Years Welcome Mass
To welcome new parents to our school, Fr Anthony led Mass with the help of our RE champions. Parents were welcomed and were given prayer books to help their children say their prayers at home as well as a guardian angel key ring and a prayer card to help the reception children on their faith journey. The children were absolutely brilliant - both the little ones and the bigger ones! Well done!
Rich Catholic Traditions - relics
We had a very special visit from Fr Anthony this week as he joined us in the Well to talk to Year 6 about one of our rich Catholic traditions - relics. He spoke about why we have them and how we ask these saints to intercede on our behalf to God.
This tied in with our catholicity of praying with relics that happened in our mother church - St John's Cathedral, Portsmouth.
Some of the relics the children looked at were:
St. Cordelia
St. Fortunata
St. Cecilia
All Hallows Students Led Liturgy
In preparation for the transition from Year 2 to Year 3, our feeder school, All Hallows led a liturgy based on facing new challenges and how these new beginnings can be difficult to embrace but it can be the start of some great opportunities and adventures. Lauren, Charlie and Grace offered up bidding prayers asking God to help the children to be courageous as they move from the Infants to the Juniors. Anna and Jessica were brilliant at helping out too! They did a great job planning and carrying out the liturgy and our children really appreciated their efforts and kind considerations.
Yr3 Corpus Christi Procession
To celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi we processed around our local area, sprinkling rose petals and singing ‘Oh Sacrament Most Holy.’ Afterwards Fr Anthony led the children in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This was helping the children to understand one of our rich Catholic traditions, whilst also ensuring that the children know how important it is to evangelise and be a witness to our faith. The children were able to bear witness to their faith whilst showing them the importance of evangelisation.
Yr 5 & 6 Corpus Christi Procession and Mass
The Feast of Corpus Christi is such a joyful ocassion, we used the opportunity to process to our local church, St. Joseph's. Year 5 & 6 made beautiful banners so that residents along the way to church would know what we were doing and why we were doing it. The children learnt the importance of evangalisation whilst showing that they were bearing witness to our faith. Mass was led by Fr Anthony and Deacon Kim and it was a delight to be able to celebrate mass in our affiliated church.
Spiritual Garden Revamp
It was hot. It was a mess! However, to the rescue came children from our feeder school, All Hallows. They cleaned the wood and painted everything in sight. They were a tremendous help and on hand was our Director, Mrs McLaren! Good job people!
Bible Exhibition
Some pupils from Year 5 were lucky to go and view a Bible exhibition in Aldershot. It was based on the first five books of the Bible and the children got to learn quite a lot about the Jewish faith. They enjoyed their time learning about another faith that is so closely related to our faith.
An Audience with Fr. Anthony
After Early Years children received their ashes on Ash Wednesday, Fr. Anthony stayed to chat to the children about who he is, what his job is and why they got their ashes on their foreheads in the shape of a cross. He then went on to explain why the cross is so important in our faith and why we bless ourselves in this shape. Fr. Anthony explained to the children that by blessing ourselves we are clothing ourselves in Jesus’ love. It was wonderful that the youngest of our children had this opportunity to ask Fr. Anthony any question they wished whilst they were learning about the basics of our rich traditions. All involved had a wonderful time!
Spiritual Life
St Joseph’s is privileged to have a spiritual room set apart for class liturgies, prayer and reflection. At the heart of “The Well” is the tabernacle where Jesus is truly present at the heart of our school in the Blessed Sacrament – the Eucharist – made present for us at every Mass. Within ‘The Well’ we build upon the spiritual life of the school and are conscious of the spiritual needs of both staff and pupils and endeavour to make Christ present for everyone. “The Well” as a sacred space is used by children from our Crèche, Pre-school and all year groups. Once a month, staff have a short Reflection and Prayer Service which enables them to build upon their own prayer life, often in the context of Eucharistic Adoration. All children in the school experience Eucharistic Adoration within their Advent and Lent Liturgies and at other times. Holy Mass is celebrated several times during the school year and the Sacrament of Reconciliation is made available during Advent and Lent for children in Year 4 and above.
The atmosphere within ‘The Well’ is of a sacred space, often with sacred music playing softly and it is in this atmosphere that the children come to learn about our Catholic faith, the Liturgical Year of the Church, God’s Word and the people of God. They listen to stories about Jesus’ life, His ministry and His teachings, they explore and discuss stories about His miracles, and of the greatest commandment he left us with, ‘Love one another as I have loved you’.
St. Joseph's National Shrine
Tour of The Abbey in Farnborough that holds the national shrine of St. Joseph. Abbot Cuthbert greeted us and led us on the tour. Edmund Adamus from the Portsmouth Diocese joined us on this memorable day. Deacon Craig let a candle and placed it on the altar for the intentions of all the boys, girls and staff of St. Joseph.