ECO Committee And Our Connection To Caritas
“I will point to the intimate relationship between the poor and the fragility of the planet, that everything is connected and the proposal of a new lifestyle”.
– (Laudato Si’ #16).
Laudato Si’
A renewed commitment to hear the cry of the poor and the cry of the earth
In his encyclical letter, Pope Francis calls the Church, decision-makers and all people of goodwill to acknowledge the urgency of our environmental challenge. The poorer areas of the world are particularly vulnerable to environmental degradation and their populations bear the brunt of its effects.
Caritas recognises some of the biggest social and environmental problems facing us: widespread pollution, climate change, migration, food insecurity, poverty and inequality and an over-reliance on technological change for solutions.
Catholic Social Teaching instills in us a need to do more for those in the world which we share. It is for this reason that we now have an Eco Committee here at school.
Our Eco Committee are committed to doing their bit and in turn educating those around them. Thus far, they have shared their ideas and aspirations for the school, some of which we have already implemented. The council provided us with some food bins, which the children now take in turns in emptying. The committee set up and run 'free fruit and milk Friday's', which is proving popular with our parents. The committee take it in turns to spend time on the infant playground and in infant classes, educating them on the need to recycle. Looking forward, the committee are looking forward to helping the Early Years children plant their bulbs and meeting a member of the Caritas team to discuss how we can further improve our school.
Eco Committee 2024-2025
Our Eco Committee for 2024-2025
3E: Rey Persaud and Darcie Horne
3TW: Maisie McCaig and Patrick Duggan
4G: Alex Conway and Ariarnna Miller
4B: Teddy Hutchinson and Lila King
5M: Veronica Fernandez Ferguson and Hudson Williams
5W: Theo Merry and Mary McGinty
6V: Jayden Chinzunza and Kade Moore
6K: Layla Ostler and Delvin Dipin
Early Years Education Session
During the last week of the Autumn Term, the ECO Committee joined Early Years to talk all things plants. They helped teach the EY children the different parts of plants, what they need to help them grow and how to look after them. They then took them outside in small groups to plant bulbs. As a bit of added Christmas fun, the ECO committee though it would be nice to recycle lollipop sticks to make reindeer. Both the ECO Committee and the Early Years children had great fun!
National Recycling Week
On the 18-22nd September we celebrated National Recycling Week. Each day the children had different topics to discuss during registration and we focused as many class activities around recycling as we could. On the Friday, Miss Dudley held and assembly and announced some very exciting news; we have a brand new Recycling Hub.
National Tree Week 2023
Monday 27th November –Tuesday 5th December was National Tree Week. The Eco committee delivered a wonderful assembly to the children explaining the benefits of trees to our world. They also helped hand out leaflets to the parents detailing Rushmoors' new initiative.
To celebrate National Tree Week, Rushmoor Borough Council are giving away 2 free trees to every household. Click the link to get your Free Trees.

St Joseph's Recycling Hub
On Friday 22nd September we were joined by our local Councillor Becky Williams to open the St Joseph's Recycling Hub. The Recycling Hub is open to use by everyone within our school community. We are now a collection point for:
- Soft Plastic
- Used Pencils
- Empty Glue Sticks
- Postage Stamps
- Yogurt pots
Updated: September 2024